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Yandex, Opera, SlideME and CodeNgo combine to fix Android app distribution and billing

Founders of the One Platform Foundation
Yandex, Opera, SlideME and CodeNgo combine to fix Android app distribution and billing

There have been plenty of attempts over the years to deal with Android fragmentation.

So whether the One Platform Foundation gets anywhere remains to be seen.

If nothing else, however, it does have the backing of two strong companies in terms of search-come-mobile-distribution outfit Opera and Russia search and mobile distribution outfit Yandex.

Together with on-device store provider SlideME and submissions platform CodeNgo, they're looking to make things easier for Android developers in two ways.

Coming together

The first is enabling developers to submit a single app to multiple Android stores using the new AppDF description file.

Of course, this will only work if said app stores support AppDF.

At present, it's supported by Yandex, Opera and SlideME.

The second - more longterm goal - is to create a open-source library for in-app billing.

Entitled OpenIAB, it's described as providing an easy way for Android developers to develop their apps and games so that one APK will work in all the stores and automatically use the correct in-app purchase API.

You can find out more details at the company's website.


One Platform Foundation