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Tapjoy to refine and refocus its product roadmap, hires ex-eBayer Jeff Drobick as CPO

Rethinking the value of value exchange
Tapjoy to refine and refocus its product roadmap, hires ex-eBayer Jeff Drobick as CPO

2012 was an interesting year for value exchange outfit Tapjoy.

CEO Mihir Shah resigned, while arch-rival Apple took another bite out of its incentivised download operations by tightening up its never-less-than-opaque App Store terms and conditions.

Heading into 2013, however, and Tapjoy is looking to the future.

It bought ex-EA CFO Warren C. Jenson onto its board, and now has added Jeff Drobick as chief product officer.

Most recently president and CEO of Geeknet Media and a 12-year veteran of eBay, Drobick's not hanging around either. He's joined Tapjoy with immediate effect.

Product is as product does

"To bring in someone of Jeff's pedigree and caliber adds yet another well-versed industry veteran to our executive leadership team," commented Tapjoy president and CEO Steve Wadsworth.

"Jeff's combination of bidded ad platform expertise and the proven delivery of data-rich applications will have a significant impact on our product roadmap and how we serve our clients and partners.

"The CPO role is vital at any technology company, particularly in a sector that moves as rapidly as mobile. This addition also speaks to the incredible opportunity ahead for Tapjoy, as we refine and focus our product roadmap and position the company for our next phase of growth."