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Pocket Gamer's Barcelona Mobile Mixer snapped

Talking it up with Immersion at GameLab
Pocket Gamer's Barcelona Mobile Mixer snapped

On 25 June, the industry's finest got together in Spain for an evening of networking, idea sharing, and tapas - all at the Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer in Barcelona.

Taking place as part of the GameLab conference, and with generous sponsorship from Immersion - the experts for providing haptic feedback for mobile games and apps - the evening featured spirited chat amongst industry peers.

Of course, it being a Mobile Mixer, we also had an engaging battle panel discussion featuring Peter Linden (Immersion), Oscar Clark (Applifier), Xavier Carrillo (Digital Legends), Jussi Immonen (Rovio), Pepe Argell (Chartboost), Kyu Lee (Gamevil), and our very own Chris James.

There were also a few complimentary cervezas on hand to ensure attendees on the night was suitably refreshed.

Because hydration is important.

Say "queso"

As always, our roving photographer was taking snaps of the crowd gathered. And as usual, we've gathered up some of the best for the selection you see below.

If you'd like to take a look at the full set, head on over to our Facebook Page, and while you're there make sure to Like us and tag yourself (and colleagues) in the photos.

The battle panel in arty black-and-white

From the left: Oscar Clark, Kyu Lee, Xavier Carrillo

From the right: Jussi Immone, Pepe Argell, and Peter Linden