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AppShopper deploys social slant to make App Store return

A.K.A: How to appease Apple
AppShopper deploys social slant to make App Store return

Those behind app discovery platform AppGratis recently pulled by Apple from the App Store - may like to take a look at AppShopper.

In much a similar fashion, the AppShopper app was pulled from Apple's marketplace at the end of 2012.

Though the reasons behind its ejection were never openly discussed by Apple, it was believed the platform had fallen foul of App Store regulation 2.25, which prohibits apps that act as App Stores themselves.

Almost five months later, however, and AppShopper is back on the App Store. How? Its creators simply altered what it does.

Same old, brand new you

"The new version of the app still contains the core Wish List functionality that we've always had, but also introduces a social discovery portion to the app," details AppShopper on its blog.

"This is a brand new app, so it is a separate download - not an update. You will be able to keep your existing AppShopper app on your device as well."

In essence, AppShopper which The Next Web reports tried several times to get the original app re-approved before heading down this route altered its approach so that it wasn't in direct competition with the App Store.

With its new social bent, AppShopper it's new approach will complement Apple's own discovery tools, rather than take them on.

App happy

"A few features didn't make the first cut. 'What's New' and 'Top 200' were temporarily dropped while we sought re-approval," adds AppShopper.

"We will see about returning those features in a future version. In the 1.0 version, we're aware that there are several obvious features that are absent. Top on our priority list is the ability to browse friends' lists individually by tapping on their name.

"Also, an easier method for friend discovery and friend recommendation are also something that is clearly necessary."

AppShopper's approach to its App Store removal was notably different to the marketplace's most recent casualty, AppGratis.

While AppShopper essentially withheld all comment and, it would now appear, went away to alter its app, the French firm has been more stringent in its objections, with its removal coming a matter of months after it secured $13.5 million in funding.

Most recently, AppGratis launched a user petition against Apple's decision, which has amassed almost 1 million emails of support to date.

[source: AppShopper]