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Jolla's Sailfish OS 'achieves compatibility' with Android

Apps run without any modifications
Jolla's Sailfish OS 'achieves compatibility' with Android

Set to hit Finnish manufacturer Jolla's forthcoming range of smartphones, those behind the new Linux-based Sailfish OS have confirmed that platform is now fully compatible with Android.

That means that apps designed for Google's ecosystem will now run on Sailfish OS "without any modifications", with consumers who purchase Jolla devices able to, in theory, "take full advantage of the Android application ecosystem."

Jolla claims it is now looking to work with apps stores around the globe to ensure users can "seamlessly download Android apps just as they would do on any Android device."

Better together

"For example, highly popular apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Spotify run directly on Sailfish OS. Also Chinese WeChat already with over 400 million users runs on Sailfish OS," said Jolla CEO Tomi Pienimäki.

The flip side of this is that Sailfish OS has also been built to run on common hardware produced for Android, with Jolla also opening the doors to rival vendors interesting in utilising the platform for phones and tablets "based on many different chipset and hardware configurations".

Said manufacturers could be safe in the knowledge that their Sailfish devices would still be able to tap into Android's almighty ecosystem.

"We believe Sailfish with Android compatibility is a highly relevant mobile operating system option for major mobile companies in Europe and in Asia. We are already in discussions with several major Asian vendors regarding this opportunity," says Tomi Pienimäki.

"Due to extremely positive feedback and increased demand in the past weeks, we are offering another pre-order opportunity for our second production batch later this week through This will be targeted to Finnish customers who want to express their passion for the Finnish mobile industry."

[source: Jolla]