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Chart of the Week: iOS 7 take up twice as quick as iOS 6

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Chart of the Week: iOS 7 take up twice as quick as iOS 6

It would appear the speedy take up of iOS 7 the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, made available on 18 September is the hot topic of the moment.

Any firm with access to analytics is tracking the progress of the platform step by step, with one such body monetisation specialist Tapjoy claims iOS 7 is growing twice as quickly as its predecessor did at the same stage in its life.

One year on

"It took 20 hours for iOS 6 to reach 10 percent adoption, while iOS 7 reached it in less than half the time - in a mere 8 hours," details Tapjoy product marketing manager Raghu Nayani on the firm's blog.

"Twenty-four hours after its initial availability, iOS 7 stands at 22 percent adoption, while iOS 6 was only at 15 percent after the same time period.

"Interestingly, it appears iOS 7 growth is happening purely at the expense of iOS 6; in other words, if you didn’t bother to upgrade to iOS 6 in the first place, then you're not likely to download iOS 7 on the first day."

That's a view that's largely mirrored by stats accumulated by Chartboost, which claims that as of 8am PST/4pm GMT on 19 September, iOS 7's global share stood at 21 percent.

That compares to the 15 percent who had upgraded to iOS 6 at the same stage of its life last year.

Device by device

Switching to a device view, it's iPhone that's leading the way, with 26 percent having upgraded to iPad's 16 percent. Again, that's very similar to Tapjoy's take, which had iPhone on a figure of 25 percent.

Fiksu's numbers which are being updated hourly go even further, pegging iOS 7's share of the pie at 32.1 percent as of 3.34pm PST/11.34pm GMT.

However, unlike other bodies, Fiksu is only tracked iOS 5, iOS 6 and iOS 7 usage, meaning the latter's share will appear a touch inflated compared to Tapjoy and Chartboost.

Nevertheless, take up appears steady after an initial rush on 18 September when iOS 7's share jumped from 1.1 percent to 17 percent in less than 10 hours.

Equally interesting is Tapjoy's assessment of the countries most eager to update. The firm's numbers claims South Korea is currently leading the way, with 32 percent having upgraded, ahead of Brazil on 30 percent.

The UK currently has 29 percent who have upgraded to the platform, with the US close behind on 28 percent. China currently has the weakest take up, with just 9 percent having made the leap.