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Master Chief goes mobile: Microsoft tests Xbox game streaming service for smartphones

Looking to stream to Windows and Windows Phone
Master Chief goes mobile: Microsoft tests Xbox game streaming service for smartphones

Microsoft is working a new cloud gaming service for mobile devices, with the company looking to stream Xbox games to smartphones and tablets.

That's according to a report by The Verge, which claims Microsoft demonstrated a prototype of the service streaming Halo 4 to a Windows Phone handset and a PC via the cloud during an internal company meeting.

Smoothly does it

The site cites "sources familiar" with said meeting, with the service 'running smoothly' on both devices.

Indeed, The Verge claims Microsoft has reduced latency on Nokia's low-end Lumia 520 to just 45 milliseconds.

It's believed the cloud-based service will be Windows exclusive Halo 4 controlled on Windows Phone via an Xbox controller "attached through an accessory" during the demo - although, as things stand, the product is still very much a prototype.

Halo 4 on Xbox 360

As such, it seems unlikely any such platform if ever release - would make its way to the likes of iOS and Android, with Microsoft looking to bring its own product line closer together.

It's expected that, if delivered, the new service could first be used as a backwards compatibility tool, streaming Xbox 360 games to the soon to be released Xbox One.

[source: The Verge]