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Opinion: Plants vs. Zombies 2 downloaded more times than Plants vs. Zombies 1, but who cares?

It's just about the money, money, money
Opinion: Plants vs. Zombies 2 downloaded more times than Plants vs. Zombies 1, but who cares?

It's clear that EA's mobile game developers 'get' the free-to-play model.

But can the same thing be said for its PR and marketing departments?

As happened with Real Racing 3, the company has just released an infographic, proudly stating that Plants vs Zombies 2 has been downloaded "nearly" 25 million times - that's more installs that its predecessor.

Show me the money

One response to this - as with Real Racing 3 is - "Yeah, duh!"

Obviously comparing the installs of a free-to-play game to the installs (aka purchases) of a paid game is a true apples-to-pineapples situation.

This is particularly the case with Plants vs Zombies 1, which was launched as a PC and console game at prices of over $20+.

'Free version of a game installed more times than paid version of a game' doesn't have the same ring about it.

No, the only comparison that matters in this case is an apples-to-apples revenue comparison.

That's something EA is unlikely to do formally, but we'll hopefully get some visibility on the situation when it announces its Q2 financials at the end of October.

Then EA's PR department might have something to talk about.