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PaeDae taps up appMobi to create 'world's largest mobile ad engagement network'

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PaeDae taps up appMobi to create 'world's largest mobile ad engagement network'

US-based white label mobile rewards network PaeDae has announced a partnership with Intel's appMobi creating what both parties claim is the "world's largest mobile ad engagement network".

By partnering with appMobi's cloud services platform, PaeDae has expanded its reach to Intel's network of over 150,000 developers who can now easily integrate with PaeDae's ad platform.

This partnership comes shortly after PaeDae raised $11.6 million in funding to boost its user-centric advertising. In the past, PaeDae has worked with established clients like 7-Eleven, Hershey's, State Farm, and Time Warner Cable.

Bridging the gap

PaeDae CEO Rob Emrich sees the appMobi partnership as another step toward furthering his company's overall mission.

"This is not only a huge leap for our respective companies, but also a significant stride towards bridging the gap between premium brand advertisers and app developers in the mobile space."

While appMobi CEO Matthew Drake underscored the utility of the partnership for developers on his platform.

"Working with PaeDae has provided our developers with yet another tool to simplify the process of building, maintaining, and now monetizing successful mobile apps. This is the first step toward merging the app development and monetization processes into a single fluid operation."