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The Blast Furnace under fire from Activision, future of the UK studio unclear

Activision not retreating from mobile
The Blast Furnace under fire from Activision, future of the UK studio unclear

The future of Activision's UK-based mobile studio The Blast Furnace is said to be up in the air, with reports suggesting the publisher is considering closing the developer down.

Best known for creating Call of Duty: Strike Team, the Leeds-based studio's employee based are said to be taking part in an employee consultation process which suggests a pending studio sale or closure.

In response to talk of the developer's demise, Activision has stated it is trying to "keep The Blast Furnace together and develop a plan that will enable them to remain as a team."

Trial by fire

Although Activision hasn't announced exactly what will happen with The Blast Furnace, the chances of the studio carrying on in its current form seem increasingly unlikely.

An Activision spokesperson confirmed that the publisher "met with The Blast Furnace this morning and are currently discussing options for their future."

Back in August 2012, Activision's VP of mobile strategy Greg Canessa said his studio decided to open a UK studio because [the UK] "has some of the world's most talented game developers."

"Through the creation of The Blast Furnace, we were able to attract the most talented game developers in that space," Canessa concluded.

We'll keep you updated with the fate of The Blast Furnace and its team as the story develops.

[source: MCV]