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Award-winning Furby Island set for mobile

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Award-winning Furby Island set for mobile

If Desert Island Discs ever relaxes its bookings policy enough to let mobile games journalists on, it's fair to say that our choice of luxury item won't be a Furby. So the thought of an island full of them is more nightmare than paradise.

But that's just our opinion. Furbys are still a big toy brand, and LemonQuest has created a new mobile game based on the little critters, Furby Island, which scooped a prize for Best Licensed IP game at this week's IMG Awards.

We sat down with LemonQuest for a proper look at the game during the Mobile World Congress show and, despite our aversion to real-world toy pets, were impressed by the game. Not least because the publisher has opted not to go for the obvious virtual pet game that you might expect.

Instead, it's an isometric adventure game that takes inspiration as much from The Sims as Animal Crossing. You have to wander around the island completing tasks, acquiring new objects, and decorating your Furby and his home as you progress.

Along the way you must keep your character's hunger and fun levels high (this is where The Sims comes in) with the ultimate aim being to organise a huge Furby party (y'know crates of vodka, Furby strippers, gabba techno DJ, etc).

It's one of the more original and innovative takes on this kind of brand that we've seen in mobile, so we're looking forward to getting our hands on the final game for a full review.