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Develop Brighton Indie Showcase spotlight: Drop That Candy

Greenfly weighs in
Develop Brighton Indie Showcase spotlight: Drop That Candy

Develop Brighton kicks off next week, and some of the most encouraging news to come from the conference is that five mobile games will be featured in the third annual Indie Showcase.

We reached out to the minds behind these five games - which, combined, make up a full half of the total indie entries - to ask them for their feelings on being nominated to the Indie Showcase and the indie scene in general.

Yesterday, we featured Nyamyam Limited and today we're talking with Stephen Morris of Greenfly Studios, whose 2D physics puzzler Drop That Candy is coming out soon for iOS.

Pocket Gamer: How does it feel to be a part of Develop's Indie Showcase?

Stephen Morris: With Develop being a must-attend event of the UK games calendar, we hold the conference in high regard and are honoured to have been shortlisted.

To be included in a selective category of great game developers is very exciting and represents another stepping stone in our journey to being successful and making great games that people like to play.

This year, a full half of the ten games nominated in the Indie Showcase are mobile titles. Is it easier for indie games to find an audience on mobile?

I wouldn't say it's easier for mobile indie games to be found as indie games still struggle to be discovered irrespective of the platform.

For desktop, their Mecca is Steam placement whereas for iOS titles like ours, it's being featured on the App Store.

With the Indie Showcase featuring a 50/50 split, I would instead say it is indicative that "mobile" games are just as capable of providing entertainment as their desktop and console cousins.

It's great to see all the games being treated and judged on equal footing.

Each of the five mobile games featured in the showcase offer vastly different types of gameplay. Have any of the other games in the line-up - mobile or not - caught your eye?

We're sort of split between two titles really.

Katie, our creative director, is looking forward to Epic Eric whereas I've been following Gunpoint's progress for quite a while.

It'll be interesting to see all the games in the showcase but we're looking forward to meeting their creators and swapping stories.

How will being featured in the showcase impact your studio?

The immediate impact is that it will help us promote and drive awareness of our upcoming game to key journalists at the event.

It also means that we can get plenty of useful critique from fellow developers. Indirectly, being selected in the showcase acts as reassurance that we are on the right track.

Are you looking forward to Develop as a whole?

Absolutely! We took on board a lot of fantastic advice and tips learned from last year's conference and implemented it into how we run the company, develop our games and engage with the press.

We're looking forward to several of the sessions this year but equally important, we are keen to demo Drop That Candy to our peers and press for advice and critique ahead of our upcoming release.