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Join Pocket Gamer in Tallinn for our next Mobile Mixer

AdCash, Creative Mobile and Intergame on board
Join Pocket Gamer in Tallinn for our next Mobile Mixer

Tallinn is often described as of Europe’s best kept secrets.

Mixing UNESCO approved medieval architecture with its status of NATO’s cyber defence research operations, Estonia’s capital city is full of character and seriously smart techy people.

Naturally, then, we’ve decided to come along and see what all the fuss is about. Pocket Gamer will be hosting another one of its legendary Mobile Mixers in Tallinn on Wednesday 14 May and you’re all invited along to come and join us.

We're tavern a Laugh

Nestled comfortably on the first evening of Estonia’s marvellous Intergame Conference, we’ll be decamping to the Kochi Aidad tavern and orchestrating an evening of cutting edge chatter focused around another one of our excellent panels.

Hosted by one of our marvellous team and supported by speakers from AdCash, Creative Mobile and Intergame, we’ll be getting the panel to gaze into their crystal ball and work out what the future of monetisation in mobile gaming is going to look like.

Our Mixer in Amsterdam back in February
Our Mixer in Amsterdam back in February

Taking a chance to look at the rise and rise of free to play to the present day and the challenges facing premium games, we’ll be harvesting the ripe crop of thoughts that our panellists will undoubtedly grow and gifting the bounty to you - making sure that you have the freshest insights to help look after your bottom line into 2014 and beyond.

Get in the mix

If that wasn’t enough, there will be plenty more fun to be had. Once the panel has reached its constructive conclusion/they’ve been separated by on site security, we’ll settle in for an evening of top notch networking and even better drinking. Not a bad way to round off a hard day of learning, eh?

If you’re attending Intergame, happen to be in the Tallinn area or simply want to catch site of our ugly mugs again, then you’ll be pleased to know that entry is completely and utterly free. All you have to do to get in is sign up to the mixer on this Eventbrite page and bring along a business card to prove who you are – simple!

So what are you waiting for? Climb aboard The Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer bandwagon and we’ll see you in the Kochi Aidad tavern in Tallinn in May.