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Appodeal's Pavel Golubev on the future of mobile advertising

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Appodeal's Pavel Golubev on the future of mobile advertising

At Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015, Peter Willington spoke to Pavel Golubev about how Appodeal enables developers to make more money from advertising networks.

Golubev explained how the Russian developer - which now has a San Francisco office - started Appodeal as an internal product to monetise its apps better through ad networks.

"When we able to increase our earnings up to three times, we decided to make a public product out of it," he explains.

As for the future of advertising, Golubev isn't sure how it will pan out for wearables or VR in the short-term, but is excited to see highly targeted interactive billboards.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.