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Seriously soft-launches last game in Best Fiends trilogy Best Fiends Slugs

Moves into the third dimension
Seriously soft-launches last game in Best Fiends trilogy Best Fiends Slugs

Seriously has soft-launched the last in its Best Fiends trilogy of games: Best Fiends Slugs.

The game takes the form of a tower-defence and sees players building defences along a series of lanes to stop advancing slugs. It is also the first game in the series to use 3D graphics.

The game was soft-launched in Australia and New Zealand on November 24th, a little over a month after the studio's last game, Best Fiends Forever, was launched globally.

Tight focus

The last game took just 12 days to reach five million downloads. It soft-launched in 2015, so it could be another year until Slugs is released if it follows this trend.

Seriously does not rely on a portfolio approach to its games, but supports its small roster with heavy promotion. It just launched a new Justin Bieber-led influencer campaigner for both Best Fiends and Forever.