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Twitter partners with ESL and DreamHack to bring eSports streaming to its social network

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Twitter partners with ESL and DreamHack to bring eSports streaming to its social network
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Mar 2, 2017 partnership ESL Twitter Not disclosed

Social network Twitter has partnered with ESL and DreamHack to begin livestreaming eSports tournaments and content directly through the platform.

Fifteen tournaments will be streamed on the platform throughout 2017 starting on March 4th.

ESL will also be producing a weekly show exclusively for the platform with behind-the-scenes footage and highlight reels.

The streams will be free to watch and will contain TV-style spot ads that advertisers can make use of. It will also open up opportunities for sponsorship of highlights and recaps.

Rapid growth

"Esports is growing at a rapid pace and we see this collaboration as a way to tap into the engaged audience of gamers that are already using Twitter as a primary source of content," said Anthony Noto, COO at Twitter.

"By partnering with the leading eSports companies like ESL and DreamHack, we look forward to bringing the best of eSports live video and conversation together on Twitter."

Twitch is usually seen as the home of eSports, but Twitter's involvement could mark a dramatic shift in the eSports viewing world.

It is unlikely that mobile's flagship eSports title Vainglory will appear on the service, since it is currently involved in a three-year deal with Twitch itself.