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GitHub introduces extension for Unity to allow devs easier access to code resources

Also includes storage for large binary assets
GitHub introduces extension for Unity to allow devs easier access to code resources

Online code repository GitHub has revealed a new extension for Unity that will allow Unity developers access to the service from within the engine itself.

Unity users will be able to browse GitHub and download code from the website within a dedicated window in the Unity editor. This allows for faster and better integration of assets without the need for an external program to import the resources.

Have it large

It will also include Git LFS v2.0 support which will allow for storage of large binary assets. A file locking feature will also be available to communicate between team members that you are using a difficult-to-merge file.

An alpha of the release is due in the next few weeks, with a full release to come shortly after. Interested developers can also sign up to the plug-in's preview through its website.

Unity will be changing its update numbering system in the coming months. Its 5.6 update is due at the end of March 2017, with the new Unity 2017 update beta to begin in April 2017.