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Mobile eSports special: Have your say on competitive gaming

Contributors wanted
Mobile eSports special: Have your say on competitive gaming

eSports is becoming increasingly popular on the global stage with audiences rivalling that of more traditional sports like Football, Basketball and American Football.

The biggest hitters and most well-known titles on a global scale are typically on PC – Counter-Strike, League of Legends and DOTA 2, for example.

But the eSports scene is steadily rising on mobile, particularly in China, with games like Clash Royale, Honor of Kings (Strike of Kings in the West) and Vainglory, while other developers like Com2Us are also eyeing up eSports.

To get a snapshot of where the sector currently lies, throughout June we’ll be running articles related to eSports and competitive gaming.

But we’d like your help too!

Submit your ideas

Got something to say about eSports on mobile? Got lessons from the world of competitive gaming that could be useful for mobile developers? Are you making a new game with an eye eSports? Are you offering dedicated tech and services?

Send your article suggestions to Editor Craig Chapple at

If you’re after inspiration, topics could include:

  • Your opinion on the current state and future of mobile eSports
  • Designing a game for eSports
  • Balancing for competitive play
  • Running an eSports event
  • And any other ideas you can think of!

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