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Razer: “There is a huge opportunity to disrupt the mobile market”

CEO Min-Liang Tan eyes company expansion
Razer: “There is a huge opportunity to disrupt the mobile market”

PC gaming peripherals firm Razer is plotting a big move into the mobile games sector.

Speaking to South China Morning Post, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan said he felt there was a big opportunity for the company to “disrupt” the mobile market.

He highlighted what he claimed was a lack of mobile devices or software platforms that specifically fulfilled the needs of mobile gamers.

“When [Razer] first looked at gaming laptops, there were no products or services that really worked well for gamers,” said Tan.

“Similarly, right now I don’t see any mobile device or software platform that really fulfils the needs of the [mobile] gamer... there is a huge opportunity to disrupt the mobile market.”

Expansion plans

Last month Razer, which has yet to publicly reveal its big plans for mobile, formed a partnership with mobile telecoms and internet service provider Three to offer tariff plans, services and devices to gamers around the world.

Tan also said that Razer would be working together with Three on “future mobile devices”.

Razer has already made steps into the mobile games market. It acquired smartphone manufacturer Nextbit for an undisclosed sum in January 2017.

In 2015 the company also bought out Android console Ouya, a deal which could potentially support its mobile ambitions.

Razer’s not short of cash to invest in mobile on top of its PC operations, it reportedly recently raised up to $100 million in investment from VC Horizons Ventures.