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Save the date: Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018 is set for May 14th to 15th

And speaker submissions are open
Save the date: Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018 is set for May 14th to 15th

Running a conference programme is not unlike being a parent. You have to invest the majority of your time into nurturing your events' progress, moulding in the positives while sculpting out the negatives, and generally carrying the responsibility of ensuring they go on to become the best events they can be.

You also love them equally. Which is why, despite the fact that PGC London 2018 may be first to celebrate its birthday next year, it's only fair we point out that its younger sibling PGC San Francisco is also due soon after. 

All grown up

Set for an earlier-than-usual appearance on May 14th to 15th, PGC SF 2018 will build on the series' super successful return to California last June and turn up in grander, more grown up form.

Our signature short-sharp format will form the core of an eight-track agenda delivered by more than 100 speakers from every corner of the mobile games ecosystem, while 1,000+ delegates boost their business opportunities by getting the most out of the event's renowned focus on networking.

It may seem early in the development process but we're regularly feeding our conferences their five-a-day so things will develop quickly. That means now is the time for anyone thinking of speaking at the event to submit their application. For guidance, we're particularly interested in sessions focusing on:

  • Influencers
  • eSports
  • Indie success/failure stories
  • Business strategy
  • Live Ops
  • 'Big data'
  • Game mechanics and design
  • Game production
  • Social platform gaming
  • UX
  • Monetisation
  • UA
  • Global markets (data focus)
  • Workshops

If any of the above are your thing, get in touch. We'll be keen to add you to the building blocks of our third San Franciscan outing.

Anyone preferring to instead attend on a 'my, how you've grown' basis is also most welcome. (And, right now, at the super value Super Early Bird rates, too.)