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Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco mid-term tickets end today

Book now to save up to $250 on every ticket bought by the end of Thursday, April 19th
Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco mid-term tickets end today

Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco is now less than a month away! The May 14th to 15th event might seem a long way off now, but this time next month, it’ll all be over. And we know that the next four weeks will disappear faster than Martin Truex Jr. on a hot lap of Sonoma Raceway.

So why are we telling you this now? Sure, you could buy your tickets in a couple of weeks - and we’d be glad to see you - but you’re forgetting a couple of things:

1) Tickets go up to full price after today, Thursday, April 19th

2) We’re running out of space!

That’s right folks; this year’s ticket sales have taken off from the line like the front row of a race grid looking for the holeshot. If you’re still at the back of the pack waiting for the dust to settle, then you risk the chequered flag coming down on your show before you’re even off the starting blocks.

That’s enough of the mangled motorsports metaphors for now, but what we’re saying is that tickets are selling fast, so the longer you wait, the more chance there is we’ll be sold out. And we don’t want that to happen to you.

Save up to $250

Mid-term prices end today, so you’ll be down by up to $250 if you haven’t booked by then.

It's a big discount, but we’d rather you had that two-and-a-half in your billfold than our bank account. Are we mad? Well, just a little - thanks for asking - but we like to reward our loyal visitors with a special deal in return for their custom.

Our delegates are the pacesetters in the industry; the kind of people that lead every lap, rather than make up the numbers. We pride ourselves on the quality of our audience and that’s why we look after customers that book a month out, rather than last-minute Larry looking for something to do next week. Book now and save up to $250.

Track guide

Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco promises once more to be an unmissable two-day conference for the entire mobile games industry. We won’t take you through a tortured turn-by-turn lap of the show’s features, but let’s just look at the highlights:

  • 10 conference tracks, 100 speakers, 1,000 delegates
  • New tracks include influencer marketing, esports and development insight
  • All-new workshop space to help you grow your career or business
  • Full access to partner conference on blockchain gaming
  • SpeedMatch sessions pair developers with investors
  • Pitch & Match meeting scheduler
  • Networking opportunities
  • Party night

No other event puts you in touch with the entire mobile gaming industry like Pocket Gamer Connects.

Are you ready to take your place on the starting line for Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco May 14th to 15th? Don’t sit this one out - that would be the pits.

Book now to save up to $250!