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Google to launch Android application store

Could be a boon for games developers
Google to launch Android application store

Google is planning to launch some kind of application store for its new Android mobile platform, according to The Register, reporting from the company's I/O developer conference.

It quotes Android project leader Andy Rubin on the subject:

“"It would be a great benefit to the Android community to provide a place where people can go to safely and securely download content and where a billing system would allow developers to get paid for their effort. We wouldn't have done our job if we didn't provide something that helps developers get distribution."”
Naturally, he didn't announce any details of how it'll work, how developers will get their apps including games onto it, what the revenue-sharing model is (if any), and when it will launch.

Still, it's good news for those developers and publishers who are enthused by Android's open nature, but wondering how they'll get their Android games onto people's handsets.

With some concern over how open Apple's policy for its iPhone App Store will be, Google's plans for its own Android store should provide a good comparison. More details as they're announced.