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Updated: Skillz raises $40,000 from charity tournaments to help the American Red Cross

Competitions will held between March 28th and 29th
Updated: Skillz raises $40,000 from charity tournaments to help the American Red Cross

Update: Over the weekend, through multiple tournaments, Skillz and its players raised almost $40,000 to aid the American Red Cross in its fight against the Covid-19 outbreak.

Original story: Mobile games platform Skillz has teamed up with the American Red Cross for a new fundraising initiative.

Skillz will hold a variety of mobile esports tournaments, from which the proceeds will go to the charity to help keep hospitals stocked.

Players can help raise money for the cause by competing in tournaments from March 28th-29th. All of the funds raised will go to the American Red Cross.

"Due to the coronavirus outbreak, blood drives continue to be cancelled at an alarming rate – about 8,000 so far – but we continue to urge blood drive hosts to maintain scheduled blood drives whenever possible," said American Red Cross Northern California coastal region executive officer Jennifer Adrio.

"Proceeds from Skillz will help the Red Cross continue to deliver its lifesaving mission nationwide due to this public health emergency."

Furthermore, Skillz is urging its players to donate blood - almost 40 per cent of the US's bloody supply comes from the American Red Cross.

Helping charity

"During this pandemic, it's important that we do our part by rallying the Skillz community to aid our healthcare systems and the professionals on the front lines," said Skillz founder and CEO Andrew Paradise.

"Our partnership with the American Red Cross will help make sure they have the tools and funds to serve communities in need during this crisis."

Before the coronavirus outbreak, Skillz had teamed up with the American Red Cross to aid those affected by the California wildfires in 2019. It raised $41,000 for the cause in one tournament.

Furthermore, the American esports firm has worked with the American Cancer Society and The World Wildlife Fund. On top of this, Skillz worked with breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen – in 10 days of tournaments, $120,000 was raised.