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The majority of gamers believe playing games is good for mental health

"Gaming has the power to provide a rich experience that embraces diversity and limitless self-expression"
The majority of gamers believe playing games is good for mental health

Two-thirds of those who play games claim it has a positive effect on mental health according to a new study of 2,003 people by Lockwood Publishing.

As shown in the research, two out of five individuals, or 42 per cent of the respondents, have claimed that games have got them through the lockdown.

However, 40 per cent insisted being stuck at home has harmed their mental health. Those who do not use gaming to pass the time had a higher report of a negative mood at 44 per cent over the 37 per cent of gamers that felt the same way.

Furthermore, 47 per cent of those surveyed said that games had provided a much-needed distraction while 38 per cent claimed it's aided with stress management. Meanwhile, 29 per cent reported that it helped them to deal with increased anxiety.

Interestingly, more people in the over 55 age group believed gaming to be a much-needed distraction at 56 per cent. In the 18-to-24 category, 36 per cent shared the same thoughts.

Got skills?

Overall, 69 per cent of gamers claimed it to be a force for good with 51 per cent agreeing that it boosts creativity and imagination, that same number also think it aids with cognitive skills. An interesting insight is that 60 per cent of those were non-gamers.

An overwhelming majority – 66 per cent – believe that games can teach skills for the future. The top of which with 63 per cent was problem-solving, it was followed by hand-eye coordination and strategic planning at 62 per cent and 54 per respectively. Furthermore, 46 per cent claim it teaches patience and attention to detail.

"People all around the world have had a lot to deal with over these past few months, and it's really encouraging to see the positive impact gaming has in people's lives as a whole," said Lockwood CEO and founder Halli Bjornsson.

"Gaming has the power to provide a rich experience that embraces diversity and limitless self-expression, so regardless of who you are, we believe anyone can reap its benefits. This has never been more evident than now, and it's up to us in the gaming industry to help provide people with a safe and enriching environment that can make their lives better."

Recently, Lockwood Publishing joined us at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 to discuss promoting growth even during lockdown.