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Glu bringing Wedding Dash to mobile

It's their special day, but will you ruin it?
Glu bringing Wedding Dash to mobile

Who needs a wedding planner? All you need for the perfect marriage is a pair of train tickets to Gretna Green, a few cans of Special Brew, and a pre-nuptial contract scribbled on a napkin.

But for those of you with a more traditional view, Wedding Dash may be the mobile game for you.

It's being released by Glu Mobile, and is a conversion of the existing online casual game of the same name (which was itself a wedding-themed follow-up to Diner Dash, which Glu has also brought to mobile).

You play Quinn, a suitably perky character who has to give her clients the perfect wedding, from choosing the right cake, to calming down blootered guests. Flo, the heroine of Diner Dash, even makes an appearance to help you out.

It's sounding fun, so expect a preview and screenshots when we get our hands on it.