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PGC Stories: "I'm grateful to the PGC community for all the support I got at their events"

Gamepack's Ruslan Zelenskyi and Threaks' Manny Hachey share their favourite PGC memories
PGC Stories:

Pocket Gamer Connects is all about bringing the industry together to learn, network and build great new business partnerships.

In just under two weeks, we’ll be celebrating 10 years since the conference began, kicking off with Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 on January 22nd to 23rd.

Still on the fence about heading to the event? As part of our look back at the last 10 years, we’ve been asking attendees for their best stories from the show floor and how the conference has helped build their business and career.

Below, Gamepack founder Ruslan Zelenskyi and Threaks COO Manny Hachey share their favourite PGC memories.

You can share your own memories too by filling out this form - and you’ll be in with a chance to win two free PGC tickets in 2024!

"I'll be back"

"The last two years have been really challenging for Ukraine and our company in particular," said Gamepack founder Ruslan Zelenskyi.

"I'm grateful to the PGC community for all the support I got at their events in these dark times. I'm excited to say that I'll be back on PGC London 2024, so I'll see you in a few weeks!"

"I made the best of industry friends there"

Also sharing their story, Threaks COO Manny Hachey said a meeting Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017 changed her life.

"PGC 2017 London was a cornerstone of my career in the industry," said Hachey. "I met the Wrecking Crew and it literally changed my life and career. I made the best of industry friends there, and I am in contact with all of them to this day.

"My life would not be the same without that random change meeting where I was adopted into their amazing friendship and group."

Book your ticket now

Whether you’re looking to learn about the latest industry trends, gain development insights, network with your peers or sign a new partnership, PGC London has something for everyone.

You can purchase tickets to PGC London, which takes place on January 22nd to 23rd, 2024, here.