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Total iPad sales up to 7.46 million, as Jobs says we're out to win the tablet battle

Total iOS device sales topped 120 million
Total iPad sales up to 7.46 million, as Jobs says we're out to win the tablet battle

As part of Apple's announcement of its Q4 financial figures, the company also revealed its total device sales.

With 3.27 million iPad sold in the previous quarter, it sold an additional 4.19 million devices across 26 countries in the three months ending September 25, giving a total of almost 7.5 million devices out in the wild.

This accounted for $2.8 billion of sales including accessories, or 14 percent of the company's total revenue in Q4.

There are more than 30,000 specific iPad apps on the App Store, while, more generally, there are more than 65,000 games available for all iOS devices. 

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And despite these sales, Apple CEO Steve Jobs still remains very excited about the potential for iPad.

He told analysts, "We've got a tiger by the tail here. This is a new model of computing which we've already got tens of millions of people trained on with the iPhone, and that lends itself to lots of different aspects of life, both personal and business."

Indeed, when asked about the competition of other tablets, he said Apple was working on a lot of things for the future.

"We're out to win this one," he stated.

Sales were more explosive when it came to iPhone however; up 91 percent, year on year, thanks to the introduction of the iPhone 4.

[source: Apple]