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CrowdStar and YouWeb partner to launch $10 million fund for indie innovation

$250,000 a piece on offer from StarFund
CrowdStar and YouWeb partner to launch $10 million fund for indie innovation

Following on from its recent success with iOS release Top Girl, social publisher CrowdStar has joined forces with tech incubator YouWeb to launch a fund aimed squarely at indie studios.

The new StarFund venture just one in a flurry of recent investment schemes for mobile developers will seek out innovation within the mobile social field, offering a total of $10 million to studios looking for funding.

Social stars

"What we know is that great teams and products can still get to the top in mobile social gaming," said CrowdStar head of mobile Blair Hamilton.

"With StarFund, we are looking to fund the next stars in mobile social games."

Developers that apply will stand a chance of acquiring up to $250,000 to help develop their titles, with CrowdStar also offering marketing and analytics resources to teams who serve up "strong, polished products".

"YouWeb's mission is helping entrepreneurs build successful products and business models," added YouWeb founder Peter Relan.

"As such, StarFund is an ideal partnership for us, because ultimately the mobile entrepreneur wins."

Developers can apply by visiting the StarFund website. Successful studios will be selected by an investment guru from YouWeb and CrowdStar founder Suren Markosian.