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iPad 3 to go Retina: get ready for 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution

Four times the pixels
iPad 3 to go Retina: get ready for 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution

The Wall Street Journal has suggested the next iPad, due in early 2012, will use a Retina resolution, 326 pixel per inch, screen.

This will see the iPad 3's 9.7-inch screen offer 2048 x 1536 pixels, four times the number of pixels compared to the original iPad's 1024 x 768 pixel display.

This fits into the schedule of previous rumours concerning the production of the required A6 chips, thought to be in pre-production at TSMC, and larger screens from LG and Samsung.

Scaling up

The WSJ says orders for 1.5 million screens have already been placed.

Reuters also recently suggested Apple could invest $1 billion into Toshiba to enable it to create such screens, and in the process, punishing Samsung with which it's engaged in wide ranging legal action.

Great for consumers, of course, it creates additional issues for developers who will have to raise the quality of the artwork significantly.

As Trainyard developer Matt Rix tweeted, "The thought of an iPad with a Retina display scares me. TOO. MANY. PIXELS."

[source: Wall Street Journal]