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Samsung unveils dual Cortex A9 Orion mobile processor

Promises five times 3D performance of Hummingbird
Samsung unveils dual Cortex A9 Orion mobile processor

Building on the already solid reputation its Hummingbird chip has amassed, Samsung has announced it will launch new processor in 2011 which will provide handsets with five times the current 3D graphical performance.

Dubbed Orion, the new chip is a low powered dual core processor that Samsung claims will enable both smartphones and tablets alike to offer consumers the graphical performance they need.

The graphical game

"Consumers are demanding the full web experience without compromise while on the go," said Samsung's LSI division marketing veep Dojun Rhee.

"Given this trend, mobile device designers need an application processor platform that delivers superb multimedia performance, fast CPU processing speed, and abundant memory bandwidth.

"Samsung's newest dual core application processor chip is designed specifically to fulfill such stringent performance requirements while maintaining long battery life."

Combining two 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 cores, Orion will come with 1080p video encoding and decoding at 30fps, an on-chip HDMI 1.3a interface to enable feed to an HDTV as well as two on-display device screens, and embedded GPS.