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Amazon's subsidised $300 Android tablet could sell 3-5 million units in Q4 2011 reckons Forrester

Could provide the platform for Android tablet success
Amazon's subsidised $300 Android tablet could sell 3-5 million units in Q4 2011 reckons Forrester

Given that August has played host to one iPad rival unexpectedly dropping out of the race, the fact commentators are already talking up the chances of a tablet that hasn't even been unveiled seems a bit strange.

It's research specialist Forrester's belief, however, that Amazon will do something HP wasn't willing to: sell a tablet at a loss in order to secure a respectable userbase.

'Credible alternative'

The long rumoured Android device could be sold at a sub-$300 price point, the firm states in its latest report, leading to sales of between 3-5 million units in its first three months.

To put that projection in some kind of context, Apple shipped 4.69 million iPads in Q2 2011.

"Even though Amazon taking on Apple is a bit like David taking on Goliath, Amazon’s willingness to sell hardware at a loss combined with the strength of its brand, content, cloud infrastructure, and commerce assets makes it the only credible iPad competitor in the market," said analyst Sarah Rottman Epps.

"Amazon's quick ascension in the tablet market will completely disrupt the status quo."

Adding to Android

It's Rottman Epps' belief that, if Amazon's entry is successful, it will have the potential to further upset the already strained relationship between Apple and the online retailer giant.

What's more, Amazon will also have the potential to export its alterations to the Android OS to other manufacturers.

"We see potential for Amazon not only to launch its own hardware as an 'Amazon tablet' but also to be a platform for other OEMs, layering Amazon's software and services over Android to provide a richer customer experience," Rottmapp Epps concludes.

"In a year from now, we could see a range of 'Amazon tablets' made by different hardware manufacturers. The bottom line: A year from now, 'Amazon' will be synonymous with 'Android' on tablets, a strong second to Apple's iPad."

Amazon's efforts to succeed Google as the base for Android consumers began life with the launch of the firm's Appstore in the US back in March.

[source: Forrester]