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Momentum building for HTML5 as Apple looks to bridge Flash gap

CBS rumoured to be supporting plug-in for iPad
Momentum building for HTML5 as Apple looks to bridge Flash gap

The rift between Apple and Adobe shows no sign of healing, but those looking for Flash-like support on iDevices might find a resolution of sorts is around the corner. is reporting that CBS is currently prepping Flash rival HTML5 playback on its website.

The site claims that, while standard users still see Flash embedded into the site, those running an iPad SDK simulator or spoofing their browser's user-agent to impersonate an iPad are taken to what appears to be a test video "based on HTML5".

If proven true, CBS would be yet another major force deciding to roll-out an HTML5 version of its site. The Google-owned YouTube kicked off an opt-in HTML5 beta back in January.

HTML5 is the latest rev of the web markup language, which is designed to do away with proprietary plug-in formats such as Flash and Silverlight.

Flash in the pan

Of course, Apple's Steve Jobs has always been a very vocal backer of HTML5.

Back at Apple's last internal 'town hall' meeting, Jobs proclaimed Adobe as "lazy" and stated that "Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy".

He used the same speech to give HTML5 his backing, claiming that "the world is moving to HTML5".

If the CBS rumours proves true, it may well be a sign that Flash's long web dominance is on the turn.
