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iOSDevCamp 2010 announced for August, devs and designers encouraged to show wares

PayPal X announced as host and sponsor
iOSDevCamp 2010 announced for August, devs and designers encouraged to show wares

Three months after iPadDevCamp made a splash, those behind the venture have announced that iOSDevCamp 2010 is set to roll into California this August.

It's the fifth iOS focused developer conference the group has founded the original moniker of iPhoneDevCamp dropped to reflect Apple's own rebranding with those who have worked on the OS encouraged to "bring their knowledge, and extend their skills with connections to other developers and designers".

Pooling of assets

"Attendees will include iOS developers, web developers, UI designers, entrepreneurs, and testers, all working together over the weekend," the event's organisers said in a statement.

"Development projects will include both solo and team efforts. While some attendees will wish to work solo during the event, we encourage attendees to team up, based on expertise, to work in ad-hoc project development teams."

This year's camp, which is both sponsored by the PayPal X Developer Network and is set to be hosted at the firm's campus in San Jose, will be the biggest to date, with over 500 attendees and extra rooms provided to cater for the expected overspill.

A not-for-profit event, iOSDevCamp 2010 does come with a attendance fee of $50 for those who register, with 100 percent of the takings going towards costs.

Taking place between August 20th and 22nd, those looking to attend can either book their place on the camp's main site, or via Eventbrite.