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Mixi and DeNA launch social online shopping destination Mixi Mall in Japan

Aims to drive 'empathy consumption'
Mixi and DeNA launch social online shopping destination Mixi Mall in Japan

Japanese mobile social network Mixi has partnered with DeNA to create Mixi Mall a social commerce platform which has launched today in Japan.

Mixi is a true identity network, much like Facebook, which has 5.4 million users in Japan, while DeNA's Mobage is a gaming network based around avatars and invented characters.

Drive consumption

Mixi Mall users can broadcast to their Mixi network across PC, smartphones and feature phones, real world items such as clothes, food, make up, books and music that they own or are interested in purchasing.

DeNA and Mixi hope that this will lead to 'empathy consumption', with users influenced by the purchasing decisions of friends and relatives.

Mixi Mall is online now, and has in the region of 3.5 million items available to purchase. 

You can check it out here

[source: Mixi via Asiajin]