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Mozilla unveils two Firefox OS developer preview handsets

Welcome the Keon and Peak
Mozilla unveils two Firefox OS developer preview handsets

Mozilla has lifted the lid on the first two devices to run its forthcoming Firefox OS, making them available developer preview handsets or purchase in February.

The mobiles named the Keon and the Peak and developed by Geeksphone will give interested developers a chance to build for, and experiment with, the Firefox OS ahead of its rollout to consumers.

Mozilla's mobile operating system built around open standards and will enable developers to create HTML5 web apps with the capacity to access handset APIs.

As such, the company claims Firefox OS offers unparalleled ease and freedom for developers.

Spec wars

Of the two devices, the orange-clad Keon is the less powerful, offering a 3.5 inch display and a Snapdragon S1 1Ghz CPU.

However, seeing as the first consumer Firefox OS devices are expected to go on sale in Brazil in Q1 2013, and Mozilla is keen to offer low-end devices for developing markets, it may make more sense for early developers to target entry-level handsets.

Meanwhile, those lusting for raw performance may prefer the Peak a larger and more capable handset that sports a 4.3 inch qHD display and a dual-core Snapdragon S4 1.2 Ghz CPU "at a price you could never have imagined."

For now, though, no pricing details have been made public for either device.

Learn more

Mozilla claims that these handsets will be available to developers in February, but suggests that those interested make use of its browser-based Firefox OS simulator until then.

Alternatively, a prerelease version of Firefox OS is available to install onto any compatible device.

Finally, Mozilla is also hosting a number of Firefox OS App Days in cities around the globe, offering developers the opportunity to "learn, hack and celebrate" the Firefox OS. A list of App Day venues is available online.

[source: Mozilla]