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Outfit7 claims the crown as the fastest mobile developer to hit 100 million downloads

And still growing strong at 15 million monthly
Outfit7 claims the crown as the fastest mobile developer to hit 100 million downloads

It took Rovio just over one year and three months to hit 100 million downloads across its Angry Birds range.

But, as promised on Christmas Eve, Slovenian/US developer Outfit7 has complete the achievement faster, taking under ten months to hit the 100 million total.

Big love

Of course, there are some differences between the two.

Outfit7's Talking Friends series of apps aren't games and 10 titles have been released across iOS and Android. This suggests its per release total would be less than Rovio's, although the key Talking Tom Cat is surely one of the most downloaded entertainment apps ever at 45 million.

Still, perhaps what's most impressive is the speed at which Outfit7 - founded in July 2010 - has made the most of the smartphone opportunity. After all, Rovio had been around for years before iOS unlocked its potential.

The Talking Friends series also better demonstrates the network impact of social apps as users can share the content - particularly videos - they make as they interact with the various talking animal characters; further promoting them to their friends and family.

Looking ahead

On average, fans have three of Talking Friends apps, so there's potential for the franchise to double its download total over the next 10 months.

It's currently doing around 15 million downloads per month, and that's before it starts releasing new characters.

Other stats are that roughly 60 million downloads have come from iOS and 40 million on Android, while half of the downloads were paid versions and half free.

"We have been amazed by the tens of millions of people worldwide who have been touched emotionally by the Talking Friends characters. Just as Disney has created characters that everyone adores, our goal as a mobile entertainment company is to create characters that our users can bond with on a deeper, interactive level where ever they happen to be," said Andrej Nabergoj, Outfit7's CEO.

"We look forward to creating even stronger ties with people of all ages as we launch additional Talking Friends this year and begin to extend the brand into new categories."