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Foursquare hits 10 million users in 2 years

Boasts 358 million check-ins outside US
Foursquare hits 10 million users in 2 years

Time was when news from location-based service companies were as common as press releases detailing Angry Birds downloads milestones.

Foursquare, nonetheless, continues its march forward, with an interactive infographic released by the company claiming it now boasts more than 10 million registered users across the globe.

Indeed, the infographic focuses on the global footprint its users are generating.

Checking out the world

Though a map identifying users across the world shows North America as an inevitable hotspot, Foursquare points out that 358 million check-ins have now been made outside of the US, including 1,105 in beer halls in Germany and 6,230 in Sake bars in Japan.

Even within the service's US base, Foursquare has managed to make its mark across the globe, with American users visiting a total of 169 countries.

"One of the most amazing things about building Foursquare has been seeing a tool we designed for our friends turn into something now used by over 10,000,000 people," the firm adds on the infographic.

"And, as our community grows larger, we get to build things that start top fulfill our larger vision for the future."

[source: Foursquare]