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Samsung Galaxy S III breaking pre-order records in UK

Top phone in 2012 says Carphone Warehouse
Samsung Galaxy S III breaking pre-order records in UK

Adding to reports that global pre-orders have already passed 9 million units, UK mobile retailer has gone on record to brand Samsung's Galaxy S III a record breaker.

The chain, which boasts more than 800 outlets across the country, isn't willing to publish numbers, but claims Samsung's latest Android handset has amassed more pre-orders at its stores than any other smartphone in 2012 to date.

Pre-order power

"Pre-order demand for the new Galaxy S III has surpassed expectations since the handset was first unveiled two weeks ago," said CCO Graham Stapleton, noting "thousands" had placed pre-orders within the first 24 hours.

"The Galaxy S III is without a doubt the fastest selling pre-order of 2012 so far.

"We're gearing up for an exceptionally busy launch day at the end of the month as the handset lands on shelves at our stores across the UK."

The Galaxy S III was unveiled back at the start of May, with Samsung pitching it as the "best in class smartphone in the world."

The company has already stated the handset's sales will be a major contributor to its second quarter earnings, helping it expand its hand as the largest mobile manufacturer on the planet according to both IDC and Gartner.

[source: Mobile Entertainment]