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Tapjoy's working to become a consumer brand says new CMO Peter Dille

Ex-Sony man bringing mobile ad company centre stage
Tapjoy's working to become a consumer brand says new CMO Peter Dille

Moving from one of the gaming's key brands to a mobile ad network - no matter how fast it's growing - might seem to be a strange shift.

Not for Peter Dille though.

Previously SVP of marketing and PlayStation Network at Sony Computer Entertainment America, Tapjoy's newly installed chief marketing officer has hit the ground running.

"It's incredibly exciting. There's so much energy in the sector. I really feel like I'm drinking from the fire hose," Dille says, a month into his new role.

"People are enthralled by their smartphones, and everyone's gaming," he enthuses.

Into the foreground

Of course, as an experienced marketeer, Dille hasn't joined Tapjoy for his own benefit. The company is on an aggressive drive, both in terms of growing its size and revenues, as well as its profile in the mobile advertising and monetisation space.

After all, it's hardly an industry secret that - market conditions allowing - Tapjoy is shaping up for an IPO.

Dille doesn't address that specifically, merely mentioning he's in the process of building his own team to push the company's brand from being industry-oriented to one with more of a consumer angle.

"I don't want to say too much about it yet, but we want to be a more meaningful brand for consumers," he says.

"We're providing great entertainment and offers to 35 million people daily. That's a foundation to build a brand."

Up close and personal

His point is this will feedback into Tapjoy's industry reputation with content developers and the big brand advertisers who are increasingly looking to pump their cash into mobile campaigns that are more effective than TV or web spends.

In particular, Dille points to Tapjoy's recently launched incentivised video ad solution, which he says is already attracting good engagement.

"It's ideal for movie companies and packaged good companies because they're offering something to consumers and we can ensure they're watching the entire video before they get their reward," he explains.

"Mobile advertising is great because it's so direct and personal."