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Opt-out is hard coded into OpenUDID, clarifies Appsfire's Ouriel Ohayon

Knocking industry misconception on the head
Opt-out is hard coded into OpenUDID, clarifies Appsfire's Ouriel Ohayon

OpenUDID is one of possible replacements for app tracking now that the industry has moved away from UDIDs.

However, Ouriel Ohayon, co-founder of Appsfire, the company which is behind the open source technology, says there's an misconception about it.

Opt-out confusion

Most recently highlighted on mobile monetisation outfit W3i's UDID infographic, it concerns OpenUDID's opt-out mechanism, or the perception it doesn't have one.

(Ironically, W3i is a supporter of the standard.)

"Opt-out is hard coded in OpenUDID and presented in the code page," Ohayon replies.

"We write '- Incorporate, from the beginning, a system that will enable user opt-out to match Apple's initial intent'."

Double confusion

Rubbing salt into the wound, W3i lists that SecureUDID - a rival to OpenUDID - does include an opt-out mechanism.

"In fact, SecureUDID decided to use exactly the same opt-out mechanism as OpenUDID," says Yann Lechelle, another Appsfire co-founder, who's the project's main coder.

"So indeed, the graphic is incorrect."

Despite this confusion, OpenUDID is collecting strong support, with the company listing those vendors using the technology (although not all exclusively) in its own graphic, as below.