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Scoreloop integrates PayPal for Android developers

More flexible revenue options

With its sign up rate on Android now peaking at over 100,000 gamers per day, social gaming network Scoreloop is rapidly building out its features on the platform to support the growing development community.

As they know all too well, the biggest issue on Android at the moment is its lack of payment methods, with Android Market's Google Checkout not the most flexible system, and one that's still only supported in a handful of countries.

That's why Scoreloop has integrated PayPal into its SDK, enabling developers to offer it alongside credit card options for the purchase of virtual items and Scoreloop's own Coins in-game currency.

PayPal is live in 190 countries, supports 19 currencies and there are 200 million accounts.

Easy entry

Developers can gain access to the payment system without having to create a merchant account with PayPal either. Scoreloop handles all that plumbing for you.

"Monetisation is a real issue on Android," says Marc Gumpinger, Scoreloop's CEO.

"Scoreloop has already helped developers raise ad revenues with engagement tools, and by adding PayPal support we now also make it easier for developers to directly monetise their games along with our virtual currency."

Gumpinger is particularly enthused in terms of how PayPal will encourage developers to integrate Coins into their games, whether in terms of using them for player challenges and gifting, unlocking additional levels, or introducing virtual goods.

"In-game coin purchases provide my games with an additional source of revenue," said Pierre Hébert, of PierroX, developer of Android games such as Gravity Golf and Mini Golf'Oid.

"While it's the player challenges feature that motivates these purchases, it's my job as the developer to make sure that payment is painless. Scoreloop powers all of this, and PayPal is an important addition."

[source: Scoreloop]