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Imangi's Luckyanova: iPad will be a Kindle killer

Great for local multiplayer games too
Imangi's Luckyanova: iPad will be a Kindle killer

With strategy and games with a topdown perspective looking like they're going to work really well on iPad, we caught up with Natalia Luckyanova, from Harbour Master developer Imangi Studios (pictured with co-founder and husband Keith Shepherd), to get her take on what she thought about Apple's new tablet.

Pocket Gamer: How will iPad change the portable gaming market?

Natalia Luckyanova: Wow, I am so excited about this device. And I'm probably more excited as an avid reader than a gamer. Being able to browse the paper, books, and internet on a beautiful Apple device that has the form factor and feel of an actual book has me salivating.

More than anything else, I think the iPad will be a Kindle killer. This will revolutionise the publishing industry like the iPod revolutionised the music industry. Apple's compelling devices and the convenience and built-in audience of iTunes has ways of making customers actually pay for content, which could save the languishing newspaper industry right now. This is incredible.

This has huge implications for gaming as well. We saw the incredible deluge of creativity that the App Store has unleashed. The iPad will take this creativity up another level. It will allow developers to create deeper, bigger, more immersive games. We're definitely going to see some beautiful graphics on this device.

And it will be great for local multiplayer games. Instead of each person playing with their iPhone, a whole group can play directly on the tablet. You can store all your board games, card games, and tables sports games in there and play with your family and friends. I think this will make the gaming experience much more social.

What game ideas does iPad inspire?

We're downloading the new SDK right now. We're excited to see how Harbor Master looks on the iPad simulator.

We're definitely going to try making an iPad specific version of Harbor Master. Expect new awesome maps, and a much more in-depth multiplayer experience.

What do you think about the price?

Oh, and the price? Amazing. We're getting two : )

Thanks to Natalia for her time.