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PlayBook pricing to start at $499, launch day set for April 19

RIM adopts the Apple model
PlayBook pricing to start at $499, launch day set for April 19

With RIM's debut in the tablet market fast approaching, the firm appears keen not to rock the boat at least when it comes to pricing.

A press release blitz in the US has revealed that the PlayBook will adopt what is essentially iPad's pricing model, with the cheapest edition the wi-fi only 16GB version coming in at $499.99 when it launches in the US and Canada on what is now a confirmed release date of April 19.

Pre-order party

Similarly, the 32GB version will retail for $599.99, while the top end wi-fi only 64GB edition is set to come with an RRP of $699.99.

"The BlackBerry PlayBook is an amazing tablet that is already being widely praised as a multi-tasking powerhouse with an uncompromised web experience and an ultra-portable design," said RIM president and co-CEO Mike Lazaridis.

"Given the high level of customer interest in the BlackBerry PlayBook, we are particularly pleased to be working with such an amazing line-up of retail partners."

Indeed, PlayBook is now available for pre-order in four major chains in the US Best Buy seemingly leading the line launching little over a month after its main rival, iPad 2.

Pricing power

However, the interesting aspect of the news is, Motorola's Xoom tablet aside, the majority of Apple's competitors appear reluctant to concede territory to iPad 2 on price.

PlayBook's pricing structure comes to light days after rumours suggested HP will too match Apple when its comes to the various RRPs for its forthcoming TouchPad.

By keeping iPad 2 at the same price point as its predecessor, Apple has effectively set a benchmark for this burgeoning market that few will want exceed in the coming months, even if that means hardware is sold at a loss.

[source: RIM]