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Samsung drops move to block iPhone 4S sale in South Korea, worries about 'consumer relations'

Action could result in big PR gaff
Samsung drops move to block iPhone 4S sale in South Korea, worries about 'consumer relations'

After months of increasing tension between the two parties, Samsung has backed away from its ongoing conflict with Apple, choosing not to file an application for an injunction against the sale of iPhone 4S in South Korea.

Samsung claims the retraction, which comes after a declaration it would seek to hamper the device's roll out in its home territory, is down to a reluctance to damage its relationship with consumers.

Samsung versus the people

"We concluded that we should engage in legal battles with Apple only in the global market, but not in order to gain more market share in Korea," said an unnamed Samsung executive, according to The Chosun Ilbo.

The threat of action in Korea was first uttered by Samsung back in September, before Apple had even lifted the lid on iPhone 4S.

In total, the two parties are currently engaged in 19 lawsuits against each other across the globe.

Indeed, Samsung has suffered product bans in Germany as a result, and was forced to modify its products to avoid similar action in the Netherlands.

[source: The Chosun Ilbo]