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Tapjoy says Apple ban will have significant and long-term negative impact on iOS user experience

Caught in a loophole?
Tapjoy says Apple ban will have significant and long-term negative impact on iOS user experience

Following the news Apple has starting banning apps and games that use install incentivisation schemes, market leader Tapjoy has hit back.

"Tapjoy has been and continues to be very supportive of the Apple app ecosystem, and we were not surprised about the Top Free & Paid rankings algorithm changes - we're all for incremental changes that add to the user experience and keep the environment dynamic," it said in a statement to the media. 

"But banning the largest and most effective channel for app installs has a significant and long-term negative impact on the user experience, developer innovation and advertiser utility."

Letter of the law

In terms of how Apple is banning content - to-date games such as Mega Jump have been pulled from the App Store as updates have been submitted - Tapjoy says it doesn't think there's a specific rule banning incentivised downloads.

However, the catch-all phrase 3.10 from the developer program licence agreement is assumed to have been invoked:

"Developers who attempt to manipulate or cheat the user reviews or chart ranking in the App Store with fake or paid reviews, or any other inappropriate methods will be removed from the iOS Developer Program."

Holier than thou

However, as Tayjoy points out, Apple runs its own incentivisation schemes through iAd, while other companies involved in the business include AdMob, Flurry and W3i. 

"Many of the brands that promote their apps via Tapjoy also do the same on other major ad networks across the mobile advertiser ecosystem, and all of the apps we promote on iOS are Apple-approved," Tapjoy says. 

It ends: "As the market leader in application distribution and monetisation of free-to-play games, Tapjoy is currently coordinating with a number of our developer partners, as well as others in the market, to get a clear understanding of the issues and to continue to partner with Apple to meet their needs, along with those of app advertisers, developers and users."

Clearly this issue has got a long way to run yet.