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DeNA rolls out casual games to its Comm messaging service

Fighting back against LINE and Kakao
DeNA rolls out casual games to its Comm messaging service

Under pressure from the likes of LINE and KakaoTalk, DeNA launched its own Comm mobile messaging service in Japan in October 2012.

Comm now has 5 million users.

Not too shabby, but nothing like the 150 million users LINE has, or even KakaoTalk's 90 million, so DeNA is looking to increase activity.


Interestingly, it doesn't currently link the casual Comm service with its hardcore Mobage platform.

And in that regard, the games now available on Comm are very lightweight, social games.

DeNA calls the service Talk Game, and the first set of titles includes poker, Daifugo (a Japanese card game) and Mahjong.

All are multiplayer games for between four to seven players.

Of course, players can also exchange messages and stickers, as they play, as is similar with KakaoTalk and LINE.

[source: Serkan Toto]