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How indies can thrive in the free-to-play mobile games space

Tilting Point's Samir El Egili shows us the way
How indies can thrive in the free-to-play mobile games space

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Samir El Agili, Chief Product Officer at Tilting Point, gave a talk on how indies can thrive in the mobile free-to-play space.

He started by saying that "the barrier to entry is still very low, but the barrier to success is still very, very high" for indie developers.

Find your niche

To highlight this, he noted that while the number of games being released on mobile is increasing rapidly, the number of independent games in the top 100 grossing charts is decreasing.

To combat this, El Agili turned his attention to genres and themes that indies can take advantage of that have yet to be heavily saturated by the bigger developers in the free-to-play space.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.