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Samsung rumoured to reveal first Windows 8 tablet next week

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Samsung rumoured to reveal first Windows 8 tablet next week

Obviously a deal set up months ago, nevertheless, the news Samsung is rumoured to be unveiling the first Windows 8 tablet fits into the current meme that sees it fleeing from all things Android.

According to Korea Economic Daily, the tablet will be revealed at Microsoft's BUILD developers' conference next week.

"This new product manufactured by Samsung will be the company's first collaboration with Microsoft [over Windows 8] in its hardware devices," it's claimed.

Good fellows

Of course, Samsung has a good working relationship with Microsoft, being a lead OEM with Windows Phone 7, as well as through its PC business.

Aside from the ramifications of Google's acquisition of Motorola, Samsung is also under pressure from Apple in terms of various hardware-related lawsuits.

[source: AFP]