Home   >   Features Week That Was: The top 50 mobile devs, the making of Ridiculous Fishing's Byrdr and Doodle Jump's $20,000 a week

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions

This week, the annual developer top 50 kicked off, with editor-at-large Jon Jordan counting down the best, brightest and richest developers in the mobile gaming industry. 

So far, we've covered the numbers from 50 to 11. For the top ten, you'll need to keep a close eye on the site this Monday.

That is, if you're not jetting off to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Attendees might find the guide to GDC parties useful for discovering the top networking events and the nearest free bars.

Attendees should also note that editor Keith Andrew and editor-at-large Jon Jordan will both be there, so feel free to say hello if you see this bedraggled and weary pair on the show floor.

If you won't be at the conference yourself, you'll naturally be able to find updates and news from the show here on

But that's enough self-promotion for now. Instead, let's take a look back at the last seven days of mobile gaming news, interviews and features on Oh wait, I think that might count as self-promotion too…

Platform wars


Cloud services

  • We talk to Corona Labs CEO Walter Luh about Corona Cloud the company's backend as a service offering that's 'focused on gaming,' 'really easy' and out now. 
  • We chat with OpenFeint founder Peter Relan about OpenKit an open source cloud services solution that's built for a cross-platform, multi-device world. 

Industry voices

The Top 50 Developers of 2013

For the final part of the Developer Top 50 counting down the top 10 mobile gaming studios of 2013 check back on Monday.