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Zynga's rebound CEO, Minions change hands, and Five Nights at Freddy's movie in the works

The past 7 days in bite-sized chunks
Zynga's rebound CEO, Minions change hands, and Five Nights at Freddy's movie in the works

It's been a diverse week for industry news, with everything from Don Mattrick's immediate departure from Zynga to EA's acquisition of the Despicable Me licence filling our pages.

Also on the site, we considered Apple's choice to feature an IAP pack for a 3-year-old game ahead of a trio of high-profile current releases, and began the uneviable task of cataloguing confirmed Apple Watch games as we trundle toward the hardware's launch.

Oh, and there was the small matter of a one-man indie game being picked up by Warner Bros. for a big-screen adaptation.

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